Construction Management Systems

Civil & Civic has developed a comprehensive Integrated Management System of processes and procedures which encompasses our:
Workplace Health and Safety Management System
Environmental Management System
Quality Management System
Civil & Civil have a full time, dedicated Workplace Health, Safety, Environmental & Quality (WHSEQ) Manager who oversees all management aspects of our projects. This is to ensure we complete every project:
on time
on budget
with as little disruption to the surrounding community as possible
while creating a safe working environment for our employees.
As part of our commitment to the environment, Civil & Civic maintains and uses an Environmental Management System that is aligned with, and meets the requirements of, the Australian standard ISO 14001:2016.
Our Environmental Management System is based on a belief that the wellbeing of our environment and the people working and living in that environment is a major priority within our company. We take environmental responsibility seriously and we are committed to delivering our services in an environmentally responsible manner.
Civil & Civic has a comprehensive Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) Management System that is used to deliver all our projects, and all employees are to comply with the policies and procedures contained within this system.
Our WHS Management System is aligned to, and meets the requirements of, the Australian Standard ISO 45001:2018 and the Work Health and Safety Act. We have also allowed for compliance with all relevant Work Health and Safety regulations, codes of practice and guidelines applicable in the ACT and NSW.
Civil & Civic will use this system to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, project stakeholders and the general public who may be affected by the operations of our services.
Civil & Civic has in place a detailed Quality Management System which follows the guidelines and principles of the Australian Standard ISO 9001:2016.
This Quality Management System consists of company policies and includes measures for risk assessment, internal auditing, customer feedback gathering and corrective and proactive action request systems. As a direct result of our Quality Management System, Civil & Civic achieves consistent levels of service.
Civil & Civic has worked hard to achieve and maintain a reputation for excellence in all of the services we offer. The strategies we implement to ensure continuous improvement of our services consists of company policies and measures for risk assessment, internal auditing, customer feedback gathering and corrective and proactive action request systems.